So Much

Hello hello! I know it’s been awhile. So much to write because so much has been going on the last few days! Let’s just say it’s been a bit of a blur, but basically, I’ve made some friends at school (one a girl I met in orientation), and she’s really friendly and nice towards me. It’s been alright having a few friends, and making new ones too. Last year I was really antisocial haha so yeah, I guess this is a healthy change 🙂 I even entered the ping pong tournament our school has! Yes, they have a ping pong tournament…hahaha…it was fun!! Definitely met some new people, it was fun!! Even met an exchange student which was really cool 🙂 other than that, just been relaxing, taking everything a day at a time, trying not to worry or stress over much, and not freaking out if things don’t go my way and all. Who knows, maybe God has another plan in store. 🙂 it’s all good. Everything in life comes with experiences. Anyways, that’s all for now…

Take care,



  1. passionfortruths · October 7, 2015

    Indeed..that’s one of d main reasons why we came into this world..for d experience!


  2. nearlywes · October 8, 2015

    I read ping pong tournament and my mind was just like ‘THAT IS SWEET!!!’

    Liked by 1 person

    • imaskara · October 13, 2015

      Hahaha thank you. They’ve had it for a couple years now but this was the first year that I played. It was actually pretty fun!!! Yay!!! 😀


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